The most important small business internet marketing tips will guide you into the mainstream where you will get noticed. When your business is noticed on the internet the customers will come. I am going to share with you a few tips to increase your awareness on the internet and get your business hopping within a matter of weeks!
You may have figured out by now that is it extremely difficult to get on the first second or third page of the major search engines: Google, Yahoo, and MSN now known as LIVE and ASK. These search engines are the main four. You really don’t have to worry about the others if you’re listed with these and getting a page rank of 1- 5 on a high number of your web site pages. If that is the case you should be pulling in hundreds if not thousands of visitors a day.
If that is not the case in your situation then you will benefit ten fold from getting your name out on the internet and allowing people to find you when they search for something you are offering. These web sites are among the most visible and affordable sites that will get you results.
Do your research and plan your on-line marketing strategy today. Whether you are an on-line business or brick and mortar your presence on the web can and will increase your revenue
Small Business Internet Marketing Tips …One
This web site offers free local business listing. Merchant Circle’s service allows you to manage your on-line reputation and become more visible in search engine results. You can network with other local business as well as world wide.
Small Business Internet Marketing Tips …Two
Dotster has a package where you set your monthly budget and they make a program advertising campaign to fit you needs on all the major search engines. This is worth looking into. They also have other business services that include: Web domain hosting, custom web site design and search engine optimization.
Small Business Internet Marketing Tips …Three
This is googles shopping search engine. If you have a product this is a great way for users to find products locally or on the internet. This is good for both internet and non internet business.
Small Business Internet Marketing Tips …Four
MyEzClicks lists your business on more then 30 major search engines including, Google, Yahoo and MSN. They have three levels that are affordable and definitely worth looking into. This web site has additional services including web hosting.
Small Business Internet Marketing Tips …Five
You can post an ad for free on Craig’s list. They get approximately ten million unique visitors a day. This is great exposure. Your ad lasts maybe two weeks but it gives you a link to your web page and you can re new it as often as you like for free.
Small Business Internet Marketing Tips …Six
This web site offers a free basic listing as well as pay per clicks. They give you access to the ten million plus monthly customers. They gave a wide variety of services that are worth investigating to see if they can benefit your business.
Small Business Internet Marketing Tips …Seven
They currently have thirteen million local businesses. True Local is a local search engine free to hundreds of thousands of users. It is an Internet business directory. You can list your business for free today. They also offer: local advertising solution, starts at only $1 per month for a businesses’ category and zip code, and guarantees placement at the top of search results.
These sites are quick and easy to sign up and most of them are free. The web sites listed that charge are among the most affordable for the value on the net. They give you a great start in getting your name out on the web and that is essential if you want your business to succeed.
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Wishing you all the success the universe has to offer!